Backdrop Photography
The garden, grounds and pond are favorite destinations for those special photographs. You may be interested in Prom pictures, Senior Portraits, or perhaps some other profession photo shoot. Donations to help maintain the grounds are appreciated.
We urge you to contact the Director and discuss your plans as soon possible.
- Photographs are allowed on the grounds at Constable Hall between May 1st and October 31st, weather permitting.
- All photographs must be taken outside of the Hall, the exterior of the buildings can be used as a backdrop.
- It is requested that on arrival a member of the party will check in with the Staff, please use the front door.
- Parking is available in the lot marked “Parking”. Please do not block the driveway because it can prevent other visitors or emergency vehicles from entering or leaving the grounds.
- Please do not cut or pick any flowers or herbs from the garden or grounds. Also, if you bring it take it with you, we do not have the resources to clean up after you.