After many requests, we are hosting HIGH TEAS! Join us for a new series, “Teas and Talks” on the veranda at Constable Hall! Our first talk will be given by our own docent, Barbara Plato, as she explores the daily lives of women of the early 1800s. Please enjoy tea, lemonade, cucumber sandwiches, tea cookies and more, along with a view of the grounds and a wonderful talk.
Each Tea will start with some time to get settled and socialize at 3:00pm, followed by a short history about High Teas and talk chosen by our speaker. Admission is a $10 donation to go toward the upkeep of the Hall and refreshments. No reservation needed, but we encourage you to RSVP to the Facebook event and share with your friends!
We welcome and encourage you to dress to impress and bring you own drinkware!